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About CUBE 2

CUBE 2 Additive Resynthesis started here.


CUBE 2 is a musical instrument and the ultimate tool for sound designers who wish to have instant and intuitive access to all principal components every imaginable sound is build from. Every sound can be decomposed in a sine spectrum representing the harmonic and inharmonic partials and a residual noise spectrum for the noise components. The spatial character of a sound can be represented by a pan spectrum. The temporal evolution of these three spectra is a very convenient way to describe every sound. CUBE 2 is built around this model and allows you to manipulate the structure of a sound with all its components in a comfortable and musical way.
Take a sample as input and CUBE 2 analyzes it into two components: up to 512 sine tracks for the partial components and the residual spectrum for the noise components. The outstanding quality of the analyzer for a broad range of sounds avoids the typical artifacts known from time stretching/pitch shifting and granular algorithms. CUBE´s unique time warping envelope gives you control over the timeline. You can simply reverse the sound, freeze it at any position or manually move around the sound for scratching effects. Or create an arbitrary moving with up to 64 breakpoints.


Take a sample as input and CUBE 2 analyzes it into two components: up to 512 sine tracks for the partial components and the residual spectrum for the noise components. The outstanding quality of the analyzer for a broad range of sounds avoids the typical artifacts known from time stretching/pitch shifting and granular algorithms.

Additive Resynthesis
Sample analysis/synthesis


The next level of sound manipulation in CUBE 2 is to take up to four sound sources and make all parameters and spectral components move inside this “cube”. Take for example a flute like sound as one source and a trumpet like sound as another source. The result is a sound morphing from flute to trumpet!

2D Envelope Morphing

Spectral editing

The spectral editing windows are the heart of CUBE´s sound manipulation and creation capabilities. They give you deep access to the sound components described before. Imagine drawing a bandpass filter or comb filter structure directly into the spectrum display ! Zoom into the spectrum to manipulate it down to a single partial.

Spectral editing
Draw your sound

Spectral Morphing Resynthesizer

Spectral Morphing

One of the key ideas behind CUBE is the spectral morphing. Instead of burdening the sound programmer with drawing hundreds of envelopes to control the dynamic spectral characteristic of a sound you can simply morph between these four sound sources controlled by a complex 2 dimensional Envelope having up to 64 time level segments.

Sound Sources

The heart of the sound engine of CUBE is surprisingly simple: it’s a set of up to 512 sine oscillators per voice with controllable level and frequency. The output of each sine oscillator is given a pan position and summed up for each part.

Time warping

CUBE´s unique time warping envelope gives you control over the timeline. You can simply reverse the sound, freeze it at any position or manually move around the sound for scratching effects. Or create an arbitrary moving with up to 64 breakpoints.

Source editing

Each of the four sound sources allow for another level of controlling the sound. The levels, attack and decay times, pan positions of every partial can be globally edited here on a more abstract level. You can use a global filter with arbitrary shape on this level which takes also part in the morphing process - a comb filter in Source A can for example morph into a lowpass filter in Source B.

Morphing Filter

Traditional analog filters have types like lowpass, highpass and so on. The filter in CUBE can have an arbitrary filter transfer function where you can simulate all possible filter structures including complex body resonances of acoustic instruments. Even more you can morph between four different filter specifications!


CUBE 2 runs on Intel/M1 Macs with 10.12 or newer as standalone App / VST2 / AudioUnit and on PCs with Windows 8.1 or newer as standalone App / VST 2.

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